Get Your Loan Back on Track
During these difficult times, our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to communicate with us regarding your past-due mortgage. Please complete the short form below to let us know your current situation.
As your new lender, US Mortgage Resolution is the decision-maker on all loan resolutions and modifications. Although we weren't your original lender, we are now your lender of record after acquiring your loan from PNC Bank.
Land Home Financial Services is your new loan servicer which means they will receive your payments and provide you with monthly statements once we have completed the resolution process together.
US Mortgage Resolution LLC is a Certified Professional Receivables Company.
Certification Number: C2402-1182
Certified Receivables Compliance Professional: Gretchen Frascella
Certification Number: P2002-1348 | Year Certified: 2020
US Mortgage Resolution LLC (USMR) is a private mortgage investment management company specializing in acquiring, managing and working out defaulted residential mortgages while providing significant benefits to banks and American homeowners facing financial difficulties.
We take a humanitarian approach to working with distressed borrowers. Our Workout Specialists can be very flexible and creative in arriving at a win-win solution with homeowners. Because of its specialized nature, USMR gets to know each homeowner’s situation in detail and jointly crafts a solution that works for everyone.
At US Mortgage Resolution, we help homeowners who are frustrated with challenging modification requirements and overly bureaucratic programs get on a path to a more secure financial future. We bring efficiency, compassion and patriotic endeavors to distressed markets in a profitable and socially responsible way.
What happened?
Your mortgage loan is in default and may be at risk of foreclosure. What happened that caused you to stop paying this debt?
Where are you now?
Times are tough, we know that life is particularly stressful right now. How are you doing? Are you currently employed?
What do you want to do?
Whether you want to keep your property and start making monthly payments or sell the property and get out of debt—we're here to help.
Success Stories
Real success stories—names & photos anonymized to protect our clients’ privacy

To bring their loan current, USMR was able to offer a modification with a small down payment and affordable monthly payment. Craig & Sandra were able to reduce their monthly payments by almost 50%.

Eric borrowed $3,156.00 in 2013. In 2015, Eric fell behind on his payments and went into default. After USMR purchased the non-performing loan in 2018, we were able to help Eric settle the remaining balance of $2,365.20 for $1,892.16 in September of 2019.

Betsy borrowed $16,000.00 in 2004. In 2017, Betsy fell behind on her payments and went into default. After USMR purchased the non-performing loan in 2018, we were able to help Betsy settle the remaining balance of $5,343.32 for $4,500.00 in February of 2019.

Yeshi borrowed $232,800.00 in 2004. In 2009, he fell behind on his payments and went into default. After USMR purchased the non-performing loan in 2014, we were able to help Yeshi settle the remaining balance of $85,435.09 for $49,000.00 in April of 2015.

Karla borrowed $92,000.00 in 2002. In 2013, she fell behind on her payments and went into default. After USMR purchased the non-performing loan in 2015, we were able to help Karla settle the remaining balance of $72,466.81 for $50,000.00 in January of 2016.

Paul & Linda borrowed $56,200.00 in 2005. In 2014, they fell behind on their payments and went into default. After USMR purchased the non-performing loan in 2019, we were able to help Paul & Linda settle the remaining balance of $36,039.73 for $18,230.00 in February of 2020.

Ronnie borrowed $31,500.00 in 2001. In 2011, he fell behind on his payments and went into default. After USMR purchased the non-performing loan in 2015, we were able to help Ronnie settle the remaining balance of $19,699.08 for $15,000.00 in February of 2016.

James & Leila borrowed $27,000.00 in 2004. In 2012, they fell behind on their payments and went into default. After USMR purchased the non-performing loan in 2015, we were able to help James & Leila with a short-sale of their property to resolve the outstanding balance of $26,122.94 for $15,485.76 in April of 2017.

Deborah & Nathan borrowed $30,000.00 in 2000. In 2014, they fell behind on their payments and went into default. To bring their loan current, USMR was able to offer a modification with a small downpayment and affordable monthly payment.
Contact Us Today
US Mortgage Resolution LLC
351 E Conestoga Rd, Suite 207
Wayne, PA 19087
Tel: 484-498-8256
Fax: 877-808-4767
Receivables Mgmt. Assoc. Int’l (RMAi) Consumer Resources Page